Hoy hicimos las primeras pruebas de animación del ser Místico con los dos titiriteros: Henry López y Gabriel Escobar. Se habían retrasado los ensayos a causa de un accidente sufrido por uno de los titiriteros. Por poco se rompe uno de los tendones de su hombro derecho. Afortunadamente no ha pasado a mayores y hemos comenzado hoy las primeras pruebas de animación y adelantado trabajo de mesa; diseñando acciones y posibles secuencias del ser Místico en los diferentes momentos de la obra.
Today we did the first animation tests with the mystical being with the two puppeteers: Henry Lopez and Gabriel Escobar. Trials had been delayed because of an accident involving one of the puppeteers. He almost breaks one of the tendons in his right shoulder. Fortunately it has not gone farther and we have now begun the first tests and advanced animation work; designing possible sequences of actions and mystical being at different stages of the show.
Today we did the first animation tests with the mystical being with the two puppeteers: Henry Lopez and Gabriel Escobar. Trials had been delayed because of an accident involving one of the puppeteers. He almost breaks one of the tendons in his right shoulder. Fortunately it has not gone farther and we have now begun the first tests and advanced animation work; designing possible sequences of actions and mystical being at different stages of the show.
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