Durante esta sesión vivimos un pequeño accidente. Por cosas del destino, una de las caras de la mesa de noche se ha prendido en fuego. Afortunadamente no pasó a mayores, hubo heridas leves de Henry en sus manos y pocos daños materiales.
During this session we lived a little accident. Because of bad decisions one of the faces of the night table caught on fire. Fortunately, we didn´t have major damages or injuries.
Comenzamos a construir nuevamente esta pieza y además compramos la paila que nos hacía falta para el lavado de los pies del ser Místico. Fuimos a mandar a imprimir diferentes piezas que vamos a comercializar durante la Titiriferia el 6 y 7 de octubre como parte del proyecto del sector 2012.
We started building this piece again and also bought the pan that we needed to wash the feet of mystical being. We will send to print different parts we are going to sell during Titiriferia 6 and 7 October.
We started building this piece again and also bought the pan that we needed to wash the feet of mystical being. We will send to print different parts we are going to sell during Titiriferia 6 and 7 October.
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